In Case of Emergency | Ecard | Kindness Gifted
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Name bought this Charity Gift from the British Red Cross, donated £10, and dedicated it to you.
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This gift helps to get essentials to people during an emergency.
The British Red Cross Emergencies Fund is a way to be there for people in disaster and conflict zones, while also supporting our vital ongoing work in the UK and overseas. Your gift helps us to reach people faster, save more lives and be ready when the next crisis strikes.
Photo © Turkish Red Crescent
"Some of us have medical skills. Some of us are psychologists. Some of us hand out tea and serve coffee. Every volunteer plays a key role in helping..."
Merve, psychosocial support worker, Turkish Red Crescent

In Case of Emergency | Ecard | Kindness Gifted

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Gift: Ecard Email
Donation: £10
Sale price£10.00

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